It is a new Cydia tweak called RecognizeMe, it will let you unlock your iPhone using biometric facial recognition. The tweak comes from 3DBoard developer Apocolipse and has already been submitted to the Cydia Store for inclusion.

RecognizeMe is the first Facial Recognition security for the iPhone. Although not perfect, RecognizeMe does a pretty good job at facial recognition, given optimal conditions. RecognizeMe sits on the iPhone passcode screen, so it serves as an alternate to, rather than a replacement for the passcode.

Apocolipse notes that the tweak uses two 2 different algorithms to verify:

  • One is good for accessing 3d biometrics
  • The other is good at weeding out false positives based on feature analysis.

You can see the tweak being demonstrated in the video below; although, it actually performs a bit faster when using. (Display Recorder slows it down).

RecognizeMe will initially be priced at $6.99.

Imp0rtant P0sts Fr0m



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