Step 1:
Download Greenpois0n for Windows, and then open it (download links at the end).
When asked if you are jailbreaking the Apple TV click Yes.
Step 2:
Disconnect your Apple TV from the power and USB then click on “Prepare to Jailbreak (DFU)” button
Step 3:
Follow the next simple steps to place your Apple TV into DFU mode.
Connect the USB cable immediately.
After 7 seconds connect the power cable.
Press the Menu and Play/Pause buttons for 7 seconds.
Release the buttons.
Step 4:
Once your Apple TV is successfully in DFU press the “Jailbreak” button to begin jailbreaking.
Step 5:
Once the jailbreak is complete you can press the “Complete” button.
Important Note: Make sure to wait 40 seconds before disconnecting the USB cable so the jailbreak process can finish up on the device.
Download Greenpois0n RC6 for Mac OS X from HERE.
Download Greenpois0n RC6 for Windows from HERE.
Download iOS 4.2.1 for Apple TV 2G from HERE.
This is a syndicated post, which originally appeared at Redsn0w. View original post.
Tags: Apple greenpois0n