Apple mentioned 10 major features out of (more than 200 features) they’ve claimed to have added in this latest version of iOS5 (Share HERE).

But the Question is: Is iOS 5 Beta 1 stable enough to use full-time? Many friends have asked, and some friends have answered. After trying iOS 5 beta for a few weeks, it’s time I think to list all things that Apple needs to fix before iOS 5 beta is usable full time. (Please Share us by comment at least)

Any way here is some from cultofmac and others:
(1) The iPod Touch no longer likes headphones
(2) The system-wide clock “dial” isn’t 24 hours
(3) Contacts App isn’t reliable
(4) Camera App takes forever
(5) Video Streaming is totally non-functional in a lot of apps
(6) Picture Frame on iPad doesn’t work
(7) iTunes Sync doesn’t
(8) Wallpapers have disappeared
(9) Battery life blows

What about you ? If some of you are running iOS 5 Beta 1 on her/his iDevices. Anything we missed? Let us know in the comments

P0sts Fr0m

Lion. iOS5. And, iCloud: More Than 200 Features?:
My friend @geohotting ask me to try listing out that features, but no way, I can’t count all – He suggests to mention the half, the quarter, …. – At the end I decided to give this mission first to my readers, with open comments, then we can post. Feel free to comment and let us know. Thanks every one.

Sn0wbreeze 2.8 Released To Jailbreak iOS 5 (Windows) – Download:
iH8sn0w the well-known hacker has just released a new update of Sn0wbreeze for the developers and it is going to jailbreak iOS 5.0b1, here’s Sn0wbreeze v.2.8 Beta 1 release note:

Orange T-Shirt Allows you to Charge Your iPhone [Video]:
This really cool. Now you are able to charge your iPhone from your T-Shirt. Orange has developed a t-shirt that allows you to charge your iPhone by absorbing sound and converting it into charging energy.



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