ios 11.3 beta 5

iOS 11.3 beta 5 download is available now. Apple has released the 5th beta of its upcoming iOS 11.3 software update. If you are a registered iOS developer you can install iOS 11.3 beta 5 on any compatible iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch after enrolling that device for beta testing.

ios 11.3 beta 5

Apple previewed its upcoming milestone update iOS 11.3 to the general public on January 24. The company also announced that the final version this upcoming software update will be available for public consumption sometime in Spring 2018.

Apple is known for releasing several beta version of an upcoming iOS update to the developers and the public beta testers before releasing the final version to the general public. The company has officially seeded the fifth beta version of iOS 11.3 to the developers.

The final version of iOS 11.3 is meant to bring several new features, bug fixes, and performance improvements. The list of new features include iMessages in iCloud, the iMessage cloud syncing, new Animoji, better ARKit features, battery management, among others. For a detailed rundown, please check out what’s new in iOS 11.3.

You can install the newest beta version of iOS 11.3 if you’re a registered iOS developer. If your device is already running a beta version of iOS 11.3, you can install the latest beta as an OTA update by going to Settings > General > Software Update. You can also download the full-sized IPSW file from Apple Developer Center and install iOS 11.3 beta 4 using iTunes. If you’re not sure about the beta installation process, head over to this link:

How to install iOS 11.3 beta

The public beta testers will also get their hands on the latest beta release shortly.

The post iOS 11.3 Beta 5 Released to Developers appeared first on iPhoneHeat.


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