Sometimes iOS App Store app encounter annoying issues, such as the one reported by Twitter user Peter Steinberger few days back, where the App Store app was showing up an app needed an update under Pending Updates, but as you can see in the screenshot below he couldn’t update it as it was giving the “Open” option instead of the “Update” option.

You would intuitively force close the App Store app to fix the issue. However, as Twitter user Zachary Drayer points outthere is a much more elegant way to fix the problem.

All you need to do is tap on any of the tab bar icons at the bottom such as Featured, Top Charts or Updates in the App Store app, multiple times to force refresh the App Store.
You will notice that after tapping on one of the icons around 10 times, it results in refreshing the App Store app. It should fix the annoying issue where the App Store is telling you the app needs an update, but you can’t.
Have you ever faced any issue within the App Store app ?


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