Accessory maker Logitech on Wednesday introduced the world to its all-new family of protective case, shell and keyboard cases for Apple’s iPad. Called Logi BLOK, the latest accessories offer protection from drops up to six feet high and onto surfaces as hard as concrete. The lineup is comprised of the Logi BLOK Protective Shell, the Logi BLOK Protective Case and the Logi BLOK Protective Keyboard Case.

“The iPad is a powerful device. But people have dropped and damaged – or are afraid that they will drop and damage – the iPad, so they typically don’t use it to its full potential,” said Michele Hermann, vice president of mobility at Logitech. “Until now, protecting your iPad from drops meant covering it with a bulky case that took away from the beauty and mobility of the iPad. Our designers worked with material experts to protect the most sensitive parts of the iPad without adding the bulk you associate with ultra-protective cases. With the Logi BLOK family of cases you no longer have to choose between protecting your iPad and having a beautiful case that allows you to enjoy all the functionality it has to offer.”

The cases’ square corners have unique extra-absorbent polymers to give your iPad more protection where it needs it most, the corners. The absorbent polymer structure supports and flexes with your iPad upon impact, ensuring it can withstand drops from up to six feet high and survive surfaces as hard as concrete.

Comprised of the Logi BLOK Protective Shell, the Logi BLOK Protective Case and the Logi BLOK Protective Keyboard Case, the BLOK family features cushioned square corners designed to help protect your iPad from drops up to six feet high and onto surfaces as hard as concrete.

The Logi BLOK Protective Case for iPad Air 2 gives you the same drop protection as the protective shell, and adds an any-angle stand that firmly holds your iPad at any angle within a 50-degree range. The stand adjusts to provide a comfortable viewing angle for activities that require your eyes to be on the iPad and your hands free. When closed, the screen cover helps protect your iPad screen from direct impact. The Logi BLOK Protective Case is available in black, red/violet or teal/blue for a suggested retail price of $69.99.

Available for the iPad Air 2, this versatile case offers drop protection for your tablet and has a kickstand for hands-free viewing. The integrated Bluetooth keyboard which doubles as a screen cover can be easily attached or detached and has a dedicated row of iOS shortcut keys.

It’s available in black or teal/blue for $129.99.


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