No more leaked images or concepts, we’ve got for you a video from the Chinese blog iFanr and it suggests a 4.7-inch iPhone 6 which can be optimized for one-handed use. It shows what appears to be a black front panel belonging to a 4.7-inch iPhone 6. The part is allegedly close to a final production version and has reportedly been obtained from an anonymous source who declined to be identified because Apple is not fond of leaks.

The fit and finish of the leaked part is said to be in line with Apple’s craftsmanship. The panel’s product number and barcode has been obscured to protect the identity of the leaker.
Notice the beautifully rounded edges.
And here’s the video: 

After watching the video you can observe the following:

The front camera hole appears on the left of the earpiece, as opposed to the current iPhone 5s design with the FaceTime aligned in the center and right above the earpiece.

The side bezels are noticeably skinnier, with the flat edges having been replaced with rounded ones, which is consistent with previous rumors. Reports by Chinese media outlets that surfaced this morning seemingly point to a September 19 iPhone 6 introduction, ahead of the handset’s September 25 launch.

 What do you guys think?


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