Ming-Chi Kuo, who has often been right when predicted about Apple, has lately sent out a letter to investors about Apple’s iPad plans. According to him, the new iPad 5 and iPad Mini 2, both of which are expected sometime in October, are going to come with an A7X chip. If that happens, it would be great for iPad Mini, which is currently running on A5 processor. However, the major upgrade is going to be the Retina Display on the iPad Mini.

Kuo thinks Apple initially planned iPad Mini for 2014, but then decided to speed up manufacturing in order to stay competitive in high-res tablet market.

From his note (via MacRumors):
“Since iPad mini 2 will feature better resolution with retina display, we think its AP will have the same grade as iPad 5 – the A7X.
But we now believe that iPad mini 2 may be pulled in for launching in late 2013. Since other brand vendors are all expected to have a line-up of new high resolution 7-8” tablets to launch over the next 3-6 months, we think iPad mini 2 may lose its opportunity in the market if it is slated for introduction next year.
Despite minimal form factor differentiation and unchanged casing colors, we think the retina display will still boost iPad mini 2’s attractiveness. Although the model’s availability is small due to production issues, if iPad mini 2 gets an introduction and launch this year, it should be able to impact consumers and freeze their budget for other brand vendors’ tablets.”

He also went on to say that Apple has plans for a budget iPad Mini next year. It’s going to come with an A6 processor and will be somewhere between iPad Mini 2 and iPad Mini 1 in terms of specs. He says the company is going through manufacturing issues with both the slated tabs, but they should be ready before 2013 ends.

We are expecting Apple to unveil the new mini alongside a redesigned iPad 5 at a media event sometime in October or early November. Kuo says the company is experiencing manufacturing issues with both tablets, but that they should both be ready for launch in Q4.


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