According to a recent tweet from MuscleNerd it has been confirmed that iOS 6 has been jailbroken. So does that mean we can have iOS 6 jailbreak download now ?

Since the public version of iOS 6 is not available there is no point releasing the jailbreak for developers who are the only ones using iOS 6 beta right now . Though some have successfully installed and activated their phones using ipsw 6.0 beta , but the 6.0 installation process is unreliable and may not work for all . Below is the tweet message from MuscleNerd of iPhone Dev Team . An excerpt of the jailbreak code is also shown .

#Tip : Get How to Jailbreak iOS 6 News for iPhone 4

The iOS 6 jailbreak test was done on a iPod Touch 4 running iOS 6 beta version (image above) . Redsnow 0.9.12b2 can jailbreak the device in tethered mode but cannot install Cydia properly . iPhone Dev Team is working to get things right before Apple releases the final version of iOS 6 this fall. Since Apple added quite a few popular Cydia Tweaks on iOS 6 , some casual jailbreakers may not actually feel the need to jailbreak soon . However it shouldn’t dampen the spirits of jailbreak fans. We believe that the Dev Team ad Cydia app developers are already hard at work researching the internals of the current iOS 6.0 beta release to see exactly what new they can do with it.

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