French Designer Antoine Brieux has created presented a mind-blowing iPhone 5 concept that bases its design on the idea of a liquidmetal next gen iPhone. The liquidmetal rumor surfaced during the iPhone 4S pre-release months and it is revived again with the iPhone 5.

The sleekness and durability of a liquidmetal design made it very appealing to the majority of users who would love to see Apple implement the feature for the upcoming device.

Back to our liquidmetal concept dubbed iPhone LM and it comes with a pretty awesome 4.5 inch screen and a touch Home screen button instead of the traditional Home button.

As much as we would love to see a liquidmetal iPhone and as much as this idea seems doable, no one can tell what goes in inside Apple`s labs being the secretive company that it has always been.Blogs can write reports and speculate about what they would like to see in the next gen iPhone, but again only Apple actually knows.

We are still months away from a public releases and we would love to hear what other iPhone rumors the tech world has cooked up, but for now, that is one stunning iPhone concept that, if materialized,will spice up the iPhone world.


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