The new iPad rumors are nipped in the bud with March 7th official release event and the time has come for the next gen iPhone rumors to start circulating. In a report today by Maeil Business Newspaper (via Reuters), they said that Apple new iPhone will feature a 4.6 inch screen.

The report says that Apple has started placing orders for the new 4.6 inch screen to its suppliers. The display will be Retina quality and manufactured by Samsung and LG.

As you know if that turns out to be true, Apple would be a late comer to the 4 inch party since many Android devices have a 4 inch screen including Samsung`s Galaxy S II.

The next iPhone is previously rumored to have a slimmer body, a teardrop design and 4G LTE radios, which we hope Apple will pay extra attention to the battery life with the 4G. We don`t want the iPhone 4S battery life situation repeated.

The new iPhone is said to come the second quarter of this year. We will keep you updated.


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