Many contradicting rumors regarding whether the next iPad will support the 4G LTE radio have been circulating for several months now. Yesterday, iMore, who were right before about the iPad 3 official release event date, have spoken again saying that according to their sources, the iPad 3 will be LTE capable.

The same source that originally told iMore Apple would be holding their iPad 3 event on March 7 has now let us know that the announcement will in fact include 4G LTE networking.

We have heard before that AT&T as well as Verizon will be getting LTE – capable iPad3s, but no word on carriers outside the US. With iMore`s rumor, we are leaning to believe that Apple may have gone with the LTE support for their new iPads despite the fact that the technology is still in the development stages and not widespread enough to be for everyone`s use.

Taking Apple`s history and if they in fact decide to include LTE radios in the new iPads,then they must be betting on the future of the technology.


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