Siri being the most wanted iPhone 4S feature, hackers are trying to extend its functionality to other devices than the iPhone 4S. Today we have some interesting news with regard to that.It`s a new and the first Siri-controlled app available now on the app store.
It`s called FastPdfKit and it allows you to ask Siri to complete in-app tasks like paging forward and searching for text. The app is based on Siri integration using a proxy server that is given certain commands to interact with the app. What`s also great is that with Siri available on iPhone 4S, you can control FastPdfKit on an iPad.
For this to work out, you`ll need an SiriProxy running on a server on the network, something which can`t be easily done by a non-technical user.
In few words: a proxy server (SiriProxy) intercepts the siri commands sent to Apple (we are in the middle), a plugin add some new commands to the list of accepted ones by Siri, takes the answers and open a tunnel with a chat server. The chat server sends immediately the command to the iOS app that is logged as user. The application listen for messages and if receives something parses the content and react accordingly.