Panorama camera, AutoCorrectionBar, and more are part of a lot of hidden feature that successfully discovered by developers after the public release of iOS 5. Yesterday,a new one has been discovered, it is the Facetime over 3G and not over Wi-Fi only.

Shortly, FaceTime was introduced back in 2010 along with the iPhone 4 running on iOS 4 firmwares, and for some reasons, Apple only allowed FaceTime over Wi-Fi only. iPhone 4 users (and iPad 2) wanted to have FaceTime over 3G but Apple, till now, haven’t made it possible.

Then when iOS 5 beta was released, 9to5mac’s reports that iOS 5 includes FaceTime over 3G feature. Now, the question is How to enable FaceTime over 3G on iOS 5? Of course in order to make this you should have a jailbroken iPhone 4 But please read this post Here before updating your iOS 5].

Step 1: If your device running on iOS 5, update to iOS 5.0.1 Or 5.0.2, then open Cydia and download iFile (you can use a desktop explorer like WinSCP but you’ll need to have OpenSSH tweak from Cydia too).

Step 2: Open iFile and head to this directory:/System/Library/CoreServices/

Step 3: Inside this path, you’ll find a file named N90AP.plist, open it. Then add the following codes to directly below in capabilities as shown: 

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