A new concept design of the iPhone 5 has popped up on the web, This time it’s designed by a MacRumors reader. he says that he designed the concept based on the expected specs below.
iphone 5 (2)
The Concept Specs:

  • Dimensions: 115.2mm x 61mm x 6.83mm
  • 3.89″ screen
  • A5
  • 1080p Rear Camera, 8mp
  • 720p Front Camera, 5mp
  • Front LED for Notification Center
  • Capacitive Home button

The concept is wider than iPhone 4 and also thinner by nearly 2mm.
Here is the photos:

ifon 01  ifon 02
ifon 03  ifon 04
ifon 05
So, What do you think of this new concept ?
Via | MacRumors


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