According to DigiTimes, Apple has moved iPhone production volume to 56 million units for the second have of 2011, with an increase by 12-13%. the production volume for the iPhone 3GS/4 was 50 million units. iPhone 5 share of this number is around 25.5-26 million units. This news comes from Taiwan-based supply chain makers.

iphone 5

iPhone 5 orders for the third quarter of 2011 have been lowered from seven million units to 5.5-6 million units, while fourth-quarter orders have been raised from 14 million units to more than 20 million units, the sources pointed out. Total orders for iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4 and iPhone 4 CDMA for the third quarter exceed 20 million units, and fourth-quarter orders have been reduced to eight million units, the sources indicated.

According to the source iPhone total shipments in 2011 will reach 95 million units.


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