That’s very dissapointing for those users who’re waiting urgently to buy the much-waited iPhone 5. AllThingsD is reporting that iPhone 5 is actually coming in October not in September as reported before by several sources. The news comes from a reliable source of Apple’s plan.

So those rumors claiming the iPhone 5 will debut in late September? They’re wrong.

Instead, it’s going to be an October surprise — the month in which Apple will be launching its next generation iPhone.

Sources with knowledge of the situation say reports claiming AT&T has blacked out employee vacations during the last two weeks of September in preparation for the retail debut of the next iPhone are misinformed.

“I don’t know why AT&T’s calling for all hands on deck those weeks, but it’s not for an iPhone launch,” a source familiar with Apple’s plans said.

So, when can we expect the company to uncrate the iPhone 5?

“October,” the source said, while declining to offer a hard launch date.

We’ll keep covering news. Stay tuned!



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