MyGreatFest has become one of the most awaited event for Jailbreak Lovers, It’s to be held in September in London, There will be different presentations, question answer session, to get in conversation with great hackers and jailbreakers And also to get the opportunity to have lunch with them.

The mega jailbreaking conference will be held on September 17th of this year at The Old Truman Brewer on Brick Lane in London, Ticket prices is 27$ for children and 43$ for adults, There is also group admissions tickets and VIP tickets that will give the opportunity to spend time with the giant hackers attending the festival.

The organizer of the event, Craig Fox announced the possibility of jailbreaking iOS 5 for the first time, But if Apple releases the new iPhone before September 17th, the viewer will be entertained with the jailbroken iPhone 5. The declaration of the dates of MyGreatFest that will be held in San Francisco in 2012.


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