FileXChange is a handy file manager for iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad.
You can share files with Mac, Windows, Linux and other iOS devices, and use your iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad as a flash memory.
What FileXChange include:
1) MOBILE DRIVE: With FileXChange, your iPhone, iPodTouch or iPad becomes a flash-memory drive. You can store files, open them on your device or on any MAC or PC, wirelessly, using a simple internet browser.
2) BROWSERS: FileXChange has been tested with all the most common Internet browsers, including: Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, Chrome, under Windows and Mac OS X.
3) FILES VIEW: With FileXChange, you can open most common file types:
- Text (.doc,.docx, .rtf, and more)
- PDF (.pdf)
- Excel (.xls,.xlsx)
- Powerpoint (.ppt)
- Keynote (.key)
- Numbers (.numbers)
- Pages (.pages)
- Most image formats (.png, .jpg, and more)
- Most audio formats (.mp3, .wav, .aif, and more)
- Most video formats (.mov, m4v, and more)
4) FILE SHARING USING Wi-Fi: You can share files between your iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad with any device connected to the same Wi-Fi network
5) FILE SHARING USING BLUETOOTH: Through Bluetooth, you can exchange files with any iOS device with FileXChange installed.
6) FILE SHARING USING iTunes and USB: For bulk file-sharing you can benefit of USB fast data-transfer using iTunes and your connection cable. In iTunes, FileXChangemakes makes its data area available at the synchronization.
7) AUTOMATIC WIRELESS SELECTION: With Bluetooth and Wi-Fi switched on, FileXChange will automatically select the most efficient wireless technology to ease the connection. All you have to do is think about the files and the contents: FileXChange does the rest.
8) ZIP, UNZIP AND E-MAIL: With a simple tap, you can zip, unzip and email files and folders.
9) PASSWORD PROTECTION: You can set a password to keep your data secure.
Download FilXchange from HERE. ($ 0.99) (iTunes link)
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