Is my iPhone locked to my wireless carrier ?
Many people keep asking that question wondering if they can unlock it after purchasing their iOS device from a wireless carrier like Verizon. Well in case you are a Verizon user, we’ve got some great news for you. Your device is not locked to your carrier.
Starting with the iPhone 5, Apple began shipping their phones with a universal GSM/CDMA/LTE cellular radio that supports all the US and most international carriers. At the same time, Verizon began shipping all their 4G phones in an unlocked state. To switch from Verizon to another provider, you just need to swap out the SIM cards and restart your phone for those changes to take effect. If you have an older Verizon iPhone or purchased your iPhone from another carrier, your device may be locked to your carrier, and you will need to contact them to unlock your phone.
How do I unlock my iPhone?
The unlocking process varies from carrier to carrier and often requires you to meet some minimal eligibility criteria, such as having all your financial commitments for the phone and your service paid in full. The unlocking policies also are different for postpaid customers with a monthly bill and prepaid customers who pay as they go. One the thing to keep in mind — you will want to unlock your phone while your account is active as carriers are hesitant to unlock a phone for someone who does not have service with them. Below you will find links to each carrier’s unlocking policy and some general guidelines on unlocking your iPhone if it is locked.
Do I Need to Unlock Verizon iPhone?
Since the iPhone 5, Verizon iPhones have been sold unlocked, allowing you to move them to another carrier with no intervention. Older iPhones may be locked and may require you to contact Verizon if you want to use them on another carrier. Unlocking the phone is painless, just call Customer Service (800-711-8300) and ask for an SIM unlock. Verizon’s unlocking policy details are available here.