If you are using BBM instant messaging app on your iPhone/iPad or iPod Touch, you will probably glad to know that BlackBerry has just rolled out a new version of BBM for iOS and it now supports iOS 8 operating system, native display support for the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus screen sizes, the ability to send stickers in a group chat and more.

“You can’t help but notice the sleek and modern design updates like a flat UI and attractive transparencies,“ boasted Canada’s embattled company. The overhaul makes the app look sharp across supported Apple devices.

As mentioned above, your messaging experience in BBM just got souped up with the addition of big, bold stickers in groups. Speaking of stickers, all paid BBM sticker packs are currently 99 cents for a limited time.

Over time, BBM has picked up quite a few useful features. For example, the last update added timed messages so you can now set how long contacts have access to messages and pictures shared in a chat, in a manner similar to other ephemeral messaging apps out there.

Moreover, today’s BBM 2.6 update has introduced an enhanced timed messaging option with the ability to set a message sending timer that lasts up to 60 seconds, up from just fifteen seconds before. The increase lets your friends see these timed messages and pictures multiple times until the timer expires.

Another cool feature: message retraction. As the name suggests, BBM makes it possible to retract a message to remove it from your BBM chat so you won’t embarrass yourself realizing a fraction of a second too late that you sent a message to the wrong person.

Grab BBM for free in the App Store.


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