Well iOS 8.1.1 is finally jailbroken using TaiG untethered jailbreak which is totally different from Pangu team. However, we still have a lot to discuss and we’ve heard that many people can’t complete the jailbreaking process and some face issues within the current version..

Here’s what we know thus far.

  • The TaiG tool is Windows only, and there’s no word on a Mac version at the moment. However, Mac users can use a Windows Virtual machine like Parallel or else. 
  • TaiG for iOS 8.1.1 not only works with iOS 8.1.1, but all other flavors of iOS 8 below iOS 8.1.1. This includes iOS 8.0, iOS 8.0.2, and iOS 8.1. I’m assuming iOS 8.0.1 works as well, but you’re probably not running that since it was the firmware that had the widespread cellular and Touch ID issues, and was eventually pulled by Apple.
  • Like the first versions of Pangu8, additional questionable software is installed by default with the TaiG tool, so you’ll have to uncheck the proper box to avoid installation. Check out our guide posted hre for more details.

  • Thankfully, Cydia is bundled with TaiG for iOS 8.1.1, and it’s version 1.1.16, the latest version publicly available.
  • Unlike Pangu, TaiG doesn’t install any TaiG SpringBoard tool similar to Pangu’s tool.
  • The jailbreak only takes about 60 seconds from start to finish, excluding the Cydia first run.
  • iOS 8.2 beta doesn’t work right now. I’ve personally tested it, and encounter a 1004 error on the TaiG tool. Either this is because Apple fixed the exploits used with this tool in iOS 8.2 beta, or the tool wasn’t made with iOS 8.2 beta in mind.

Also… Was it really worth pushing another jailbreak when 8.1 was still being signed? O.o (8.1.1 has hardly any changes)
— iH8sn0w (@iH8sn0w) November 29, 2014

Indeed. It’s very bizarre that a jailbreak was released even though we technically didn’t “need” one at the moment. I’d love to be a fly on the wall at some of the TaiG decision making meetings.

So what do you think ? 


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