Don’t like the new iOS 7 white design and wish you change the theme with a darker one ? Probably you should check out Eclipse jailbreak tweak which promises to turn your iPhone into a system wide dark theme (Night Mode) for iOS 7.

These kinds of tweaks appear to be hugely popular among jailbreakers. f.lux, for example, is a nice little utility that allows you to add warmth to your display with certain dimming effects, and these can be tuned to operate in sync with the time of day. With a similar aim, Eclipse takes the bright colors of the stock iOS UI and replaces them with darker colors, bringing a night-time, eclipse-like effect.

Eclipse jailbreak tweak add a dark theme to your iPhone and iPod Touch running on iOS 7, you can grab the tweak from Cydia store via BigBoss repo for $0.99.. And you really should try it. 
Also don’t forget to check out Eclipse hands on video:

It costs 99 cents, but whether you prefer the darker look or have simply grown a little bored of the stock set up, this is one of the more conspicuous theming tweaks you’re likely to find in Cydia.

Here’s some screenshots:

Eclipse is totally simple and gives your device a nice look than the stock design.. In my opinion, you should give it a try.. 
Unfortunately the tweak doesn’t yet support iPad, but the developer promises to update the theme to support iPad very soon.

Download it, give it a whirl, and be sure to leave your thoughts and opinions via the usual mediums below!


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