I know that Apple users who are on iOS 7 still waiting for any word or any hope from the iPhone Dev Team or any other popular hacker if they are working on iOS 7 untethered jailbreak or not. Although we are still far from iOS 7 untethered jailbreak, we have got the the first pictures which shows how Cydia will look like on iOS 7…

A hacker named Cjori told Redmond Pie that he used OpenSn0w to tether-jailbreak iOS 7 on A4 based iPhone 4. Cydia was recompiled from source with the iOS 7 SDK and he manually debugged all of the issues encountered using various UNIX tools. When asked if he will be releasing this iOS 7 compatible Cydia along with instructions on how to tether-jailbreak iOS 7, he said that while Cydia itself seems to be stable, a lot of the things revolving around it and jailbreak in general are very unstable, therefore he does not plan on releasing it at this point, but he might do so in future once things are fixed.

What Is OpenSn0w ? Opensn0w is an open source jailbreaking tool, intended to provide much of the functionality that is in redsn0w, be more developer friendly, and encourage more cooperation and sharing in the community. It is currently a work in progress. All code is available on github at https://github.com/winocm/opensn0w. You can tetherboot an iPhone 4 on iOS 7 with the Linux version of this.
Now here’s the first pictures for Cydia running on iOS 7: 

Beautiful isn’t it ? Before you get so excited and run all over the floor… The above screenshots is nothing more than a teaser at this point for what may eventually be, and with a couple of months’ wait being the typical period between new iOS release and major jailbreak, we could well see some significant progress from other teams involved, such as Evad3rs, before the close of the year.

Jay Freeman, who is founder of Cydia, has just written to us to clear that this port of Cydia by Cjori is a “third-party compilation of modified code from the previous release of Cydia, and is not at all indicative of what Cydia will look like on iOS 7”. Also since Cydia “is a registered trademark, and while the code is open, a third-party (such as Cjori) cannot release ‘Cydia’: they can only release programs based on Cydia.”

So what do you think guys ?


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