Jailbreak community gives us too many easy ways to make our device more smarter than before, and today I’ve got for you a new recently released jailbreak tweak called WiPi which allows you to quickly access your Wi-Fi picker, using a simple activator gesture you make it…

Just set an activator gesture, and from it you will be able to quickly access to your iPhone’s available Wi-Fi networks, this is a quick way to use wireless network instead of going to Settings—-> Wi-Fi and check for available networks..

Do you want to know how WiPi works ? Check it out in this video:

One particularly nice thing about WiPi is its ability to automatically enable Wi-Fi if you happen to have it disabled, or even if Airplane mode is on. WiPi is an extremely simple tweak, and it features no options to configure outside of the custom Activator gesture.

Why don’t you give it a try ? Go to Cydia store and install it from there via BigBoss repo for free.. And don’t forget to tell us what do you think about this new jailbreak tweak :)..


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