Today we’ve got a nice and little jailbreak tweak called ShareNote which allows you to quickly share any note you want from the stock note app on Twitter and Facebook or even sending it via Mail to anyone from your friends. The sheet is accessible via a tap on the share button in the Notes app, and it features two new buttons for Facebook and Twitter sharing once this tweak is installed.

The stock sharing options for notes are quite limited; you can only share notes via Mail or Messages. This jailbreak tweak opens things up a bit. Take a look inside for screenshots and more info…

Just keep in your mind when trying to share a note on Twitter you must stay under Twitter’s 140 character limit in order to share notes via Twitter. This means that the tweak isn’t smart enough to truncate or use a read more service.

Anyway I really love this tweak as it is very simple and easy to use, you can download it from Cydia store via BigBoss repo.. Enjoy all.


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