The folks of the Whited00r community have struck again. In case you are unfamiliar, they are the community behind remanufacturing Apple`s mobile software for those with older devices. They have been in the business for a couple of years now during which they brought us iOS 4 with its multitasking feature to the iPhone 3G and other non-supported devices.

The team is back with a customized version of iOS 5. It has some of iOS 5 features but missing some. iOS 5 which was released by Apple last Summer. The update contains over 200 features including iMessage, iCoud, and a revolutionized notification center.

iOS 5 was released last October for the iPhone 3GS and all newer devices, meaning if you own a first or second generation iPhone or iPod Touch, you won`t be able to install iOS 5.

But now thanks to White00r, we have an iOS 5 for older idevice generations. The software is really easy to install from Whited00r website and running iTunes and its iCloud feature is just a redesigned DropBox-sync feature.

On the positive side, the software contains several iOS 5 features like multitasking and custom wallpapers as well as pre-installed Cydia tweaks and the Cydia store. On the negative side, it is lacking some of iOS 5 prominent features like the Notification Center and the App store.

Although it is missing some of the cool features, I think it`s a pretty good compromise.


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