It`s high time the beasts join forces. All notable iOS hackers have indeed joined forces to work on the iPhone 4S/iPad 2 untether jailbreak. Pod2G recently revealed that he is experiencing some problems with the A5 untether jailbreak. In a tweet, Chronic Dev Team member p0sixninja also said that he is having sandbox issues which is impairing the progress of the A5 untether jailbreak. So, theoretically, the untether jailbreak for A5 devices is here.

However, there are some problems preventing its distribution. They just need an exploit which will allow the jailbreak to be distributed.

It was clarified recently that the iPhone 4S/iPad 2 untethered 5.0.1 jailbreak requires a developer account to be distributed, and since the majority of owners don’t own a developer` s account and sure aren’t willing to pay $ 99 per year for one, then they will surely need that exploit bug to distribute the A5 untether jailbreak.

The great news is that iOS hackers decided to put their efforts together to speed the process up. We are surely counting on their master minds.

As you also know, Pod2G solely released the 5.0.1 untethered jailbreak on A4 devices a week ago and we are on pins and needles for the next big release.

Pod 2G has just updated his blog with regard to the A5 devices untethered jailbreak saying that top hackers of the jailbreak community have also joined in.

@planetbeing, the legendary hacker behind iPhone Linux and lot of jailbreaks has joined the A5 research!

The famous @MuscleNerd, the leader of the iPhone Dev Team, who did a lot of tests for Corona and whom integrated it and made it simple inredsn0w is willing to help also.

And last, but not least @p0sixninja, the leader of the Chronic Dev Team, and my partner for years on iPhone security research has started to code and fuzz the Apple sandbox.

We now have a dream team to find a path for a public release of the A5 jailbreak.

The more, the merrier, I guess !!

Stay tuned.


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