One of the most common data consumption is the use of social networks. It counts for a major section of daily internet activity on a smartphone.

In a survey conducted by Onavo, an app that helps users save up to 80% of their data consumption without changing the way they use their mobile, across a sample of 100,000 iPhone and Android users over a month time period showed significant differences in the use of social networks between iPhone and Android handsets owners.

The survey suggests that 90% of iPhone users use Facebook and that Facebook usage accounts for 10% of all mobile data for iPhone users, while only 63% of Android handsets owners use Facebook and it accounts for 5% of all mobile data on Android.

It seems that the social network experience differs according to the type of phone you have in hand. The iPhone vs. Android infograph shows what percentage of iPhone and Android populations use the social networks on their smartphones and the mobile data usage ratios represent the average MB per user, per app, per month.


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