Looks like September will be the bearer of plenty of good news. We are not only awaiting the iPhone 5, but also the new iPod touch updated with 3G connectivity.

The current iPod touch gen includes a powerful Wi-Fi chip,but a bit problematic since a Wi-Fi connection is not constantly available ,which is not very practical when dealing with services that require a permanent internet connection. 
For example, iCloud which has features that require an internet connection at all times.That 3G connectivity will surely be a very useful addition.

It`s possible that a 3G iPod might adopt SMS and calling functionality using a third-party jailbreak tweaks. A report was released a while ago about a new jailbreak tweak called PhoneIt-iPad that will add these features on any jailbroken iPad. The same tool could easily be ported to a 3G-capable iPod touch.



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