SMS+ is the latest addition to Cydia jailbroken devices. The jailbreak adds a whole lot of functionality to the stock messages app. It may be argued that apps like BiteSMS is not different from SMS+ in terms of features, but if you`re someone who prefers the stock messages app,this is better option for you considering also that the price tag is more affordable as it`s priced at $1.99.

Once installed, you can pop into settings and customize the options you`d like to add.There`s no new icon like there is with Bite. The app integrates with the default Message app.

SMS+ includes the following features and then some –

  • Quick reply (Activator gestures can also be configured) 
  • Text to speech 
  • Read later 
  • Status bar notifications 
  • Timestamps for every message 
  • Mark all as read 
  • Delete all 
  • Pull to sort (sort by date or by sender) 


It’s currently available in Cydia for $1.99.
Via: [Source1]


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