Today; The news carry many good and exclusive pictures from:
- Engadget now has got exclusive pictures of full retail packaging of a white iPhone 4, which a customer has said to have bought from Vodafone in UK.
- A Netherlands based site has also reported (via 9to5Mac) the white iPhone 4 to be available as early as 27th of this month. The information was tipped to them by an anonymous tipster who claims to work at BelCompany, a store for phones.
The information was later verified by contacting some of the BelCompany insiders who indicate that an internal memo was circulated confirming the availability of white iPhone 4 on 27th of April.
The phones have already arrived at the some of the retailers in Europe and are kept in Company safe. The first distribution, expected on 27th of April, will only offer limited phones but the availability will increase in 4-5 weeks.