In a later updates for Facebook application for iOS, the company introduced a new feature called Chat Heads. This feature allows you to quickly read and reply to messages while you’re using other apps.
Just tap your friend’s picture to view or reply to a message. You can use your finger to move chat heads around your screen or drag them to the bottom of the screen to close them when you’re done chatting.

But today everything will be changed after using Message Box For iOS 7 jailbreak tweak which is developed by Adam Bell. This tweak brings Facebook chat heads feature system wide in iOS 7. To use this version of the app you will need to install Paper.
Tweak description: 

The Facebook app has Chat Heads locked down to being in-app only, this’ll help fix that! Take them out of the Facebook app and do whatever you’d like! A manual chat refresh timer is configurable in settings, though keep in mind a shorter delay will decrease battery life.

*Note* It’s much easier if you have the Facebook Messenger app either logged-out, or uninstalled. That way you won’t get confused with the push notifications.

What’s New In This Version:

– Added support for Paper and iOS 7
– Rewritten from the ground up
– arm64 support
– Better preferences
– Way more stable, won’t break Paper app after future updates
– Way less battery drain
– Dropped support for Facebook app (for now)

You can get Message Box (iOS 7) free from the Big Boss Cydia Repository.

Here’s some screenshots: 
It is a great tweak and you should give it a try.


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