Here is another relating (questions and news) come one by one after the semi confirmed one about Apple’s new iPhone N94 device. According to Mr. X (Source of 9to5mac), the new iPhone will be in 3 different capacities. The important question is what are the 3 different capacities? 16GB, 32GB, and 64GB OR 8GB, 16GB, and 32GB.

Some news, we have heard, has talked about what Apple has been prototyping 64 GB versions, which means that Apple’s new iPhone will come in 16GB, 32GB, and 64GB capacities.

We can save this probability as the 1st one, but we can’t ignore the second one, that the new iPhone will come in 8GB, 16GB, and 32GB capacities. What are you think? About me and because I don’t like rumors, the appearance of a tweaked iPhone 4 (N90A) seems to refute the second one, it would make little sense for Apple to produce both an 8GB iPhone 4 and an 8GB iPhone 4S.

If you agree with me or not, I can confirm via Mr X (Source of that the next iPhone from Apple will come in both black and white !

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