All users of iPhone, iPod touch or iPad, have probably noticed the often annoyingly slow streaming speeds for YouTube and other services. 
To increase streaming speeds and to improve its overall internet connection, the users can use a free cydia tweak called TCP optimizer which modifies their iDecice’s setting to get the maximum streaming speeds

To install TCP Optimizer one your iDevice, you must be jailbroken. Add the repository on Cydia (or any other package manager) and install ‘TCP Optimizer’. The change will be instantaneous without restart.

The package will:

  • Increase theTCP Receive Buffer from 131072 to 292000,
  • Disable TCP delayed ACK’s
  • Double the number of possible un-ACK packets from 8 to 16 packages
  • Increase the size of un-ACK packets

TCP Optimizer is compatible with iPhone, iPod touch and iPad, running iOS 3.1.2 or above; however, the developers advise against its use on second generation Apple TVs. The package can easily be uninstalled by removing the package in Cydia and restarting your iDevice.
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